The Department of Ohio’s statewide recruitment drive is underway! To get the name of the Catholic War Veterans & Auxiliary out to the non-member Catholic faithful, here’s what we’re doing:
Letter was sent to every Pastor in Ohio – click HERE to print a copy in case your Pastor didn’t receive it
Recruitment Flyer – can pass out or use as parish bulletin insert. Click HERE to print a copy (remember to double-side it)
Every Post has been sent recruitment materials – for setting up a recruitment event at your local parish and other venues. Additional materials can be requested from our Dept Office.
Advertisements in all 6 of Ohio’s Diocesan publications:
The Northeast Ohio Catholic (Cleveland)
The Catholic Times (Columbus)
The Catholic Echo (Youngstown)
The Steubenville Register (Steubenville)
The Catholic Telegraph (Cincinnati)
Graceful Living (Toledo – coming in the Winter/ Spring Issue)
PLUS an ad in The DD214 Chronicle (NE Ohio)
Two weeks of 30-second ads, 3 times a day on Ohio’s Catholic Radio stations:
Sacred Heart Radio: 740 AM in Cincinnati – 910 AM Middletown and Dayton
WVSG St. Gabriel Radio: AM 820 (Columbus)
WCCR The Rock: AM 1260 (Cleveland) WILB Living Bread Radio: AM 1060 (Cleveland)
One month of ads and show sponsorship: Annunciation Radio: WNOC 89.7 FM in Toledo/Bowling Green – WFOT 89.5 in FM Mansfield/Lexington – WHRQ 88.1 FM in Sandusky/Port Clinton – WSHB 90.9 in Willard -WRRO 89.9 FM in Bryan
Mailing to all 775 parishes in Ohio
to introduce the CWV & Auxiliary: who we are and what our programs are. Requested bulletin notices asking for new members
Mailing to all of our CWV and Auxiliary members
asking each of us to become involved in growing our numbers – at their own parishes or a nearby one